Our Guarantee

The Heart of our Story

  • Always put the children we serve and their families at the heart of all we do.
  • Handle your donations sensitively and wisely.
  • Be respective of the sensitive nature of the information we deal with and the emotions of those involved.
  • Never put you under pressure to financially contribute, instead actively encourage care and compassion, we will never take your kindness and generosity for granted.
  • Operate under an approved Child Safeguarding Policy and Protection of Vulnerable Adults Policy.
  • Answer queries as quickly and thoroughly as we can.
  • We will always strive to help more and more children affected by cancer and their families

Let us know what you think?

Whilst always striving to do our best we value your experience of Kids Cancer Charity and welcome your suggestions and complaints along with your compliments. In addition to our Guarantee we adhere to The Code of Fundraising Practice set by The Fundraising Regulator and abide by Data Protection Regulations. If you wish to contact us with feedback please call us on 01792 480500 or email us at enquiries@kidscancercharity.org and we shall ensure your comments reach the correct person.



A form of therapy that’s helps put smiles back on small faces


Therapeutic support through our specialist Play Therapists


Your acts of kindness will help children and their families through difficult times